Synopsis: The movie opens with a group of loggers and environmentalists butting against each other near an isolated logging camp. When one of the loggers cuts into a spiked tree, injuring himself. With in seconds he begins attacking everyone around him. The film then cuts to the CEO of the logging company and his son. The father is telling his son that he needs to leave the boardroom and see how the business really works. Thus he should be the one to investigate why the company has lost contact with an isolated logging camp. Soon the young man is off to check the camp. When he arrives he finds the survivors of both the loggers and environmentalists huddled in a cabin. The rest of the movie follows the shrinking group of survivors as they attempt to flee.
The Good: There really isn’t a whole lot to recommend this film. I was impressed with the locations that they shot the movie at. Also the actors do a fairly decent job with a weak script and no budget.
The Bad: The effects are very rough. The film was shot so that the zombie attacks and gore shots are difficult to see. The film gets grainy and the camera starts to jerk around making it very difficult to watch. The film also gets off to a very slow start, picks up for a bit then slows down again. I imagine that the slower parts of the film were intended to work on the character development, but the script doesn’t allow it to happen. In addition to the poor pacing the script there are also several really terrible lapses of logic that are very distracting.
The Score: .5 out of 4
This is a waste of 93 minutes. Avoid this movie.
Feel free to contact me at horrorfanreview@aol.com