Hell of the Living Dead
Synopsis: The movie opens in a chemical factory. A pair of workers is inspecting part of the facility when they come upon a dead rat. One of the workers picks it up and they comment on how it shouldn’t be there when it suddenly reanimates and starts eating the man holding it. Alarms begin going off and all hell breaks loose. Then we switch to a standoff between the police and a group of terrorists that are holding hostages in the American embassy. An elite group of soldiers begins an assault to save the hostages, which ends with one of the terrorists telling them that they will all be killed and eaten and that they are doomed. Then the film moves again to a group that is traveling thru the jungle in their land cruiser. They come upon a village and investigate it. It happens that the soldiers from the earlier siege are in the jungle on a mission now as well. The two groups meet up, lose some members to the zombies that are swarming the village and decide that they need to group up. The rest of the film is their trek thru the jungle to complete the soldier’s mission.
The Good: I suppose that the over the top efforts at gore are fun. They are pretty poorly done, but occasionally effective. I also got a pretty good laugh at one particular sequence of the movie that was pretty much put in as an excuse to have one of the female leads walk around topless for a few minutes.
The Bad: Good god this is a difficult movie to follow at times. The script is a complete disaster that jumps all over the place and barely makes any sense at all. In a vain attempt to make the forests of Spain look like the jungle the filmmakers cut and inserted shots from a documentary film into their movie. These shots don’t really match the movie and are inserted at odd and inappropriate times.
The Score: 1 out of 4
This is a really bad film. Unless you are a big Italian zombie movie fan I would recommend avoiding this movie.
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