Let’s Scare Jessica to Death
Synopsis: A couple and a friend arrive in a small town to take over a farm that they have just purchased on a small isolated island in upstate New York. As soon as they arrive they meet a young woman that is staying in what she thought was an abandoned house. Strange things begin to happen as they begin to deal with the locals. We also find out that Jessica, the man’s wife has a history of mental health issues. What happens to them? Will they survive their stay?
The Good: The cinematography on this film is pretty good. There are some shots of the lake that look great. Another thing that the film has going for it is the location. The house and town that they filmed in is very creepy in that small town sort of way. Other than that there isn’t a whole lot going for this film.
The Bad: This isn’t a very good film. I can’t imagine that anyone could read the script and think that this film had to be made. The pacing is terrible, with many slow parts that will just bore you to tears. The logic of the characters or lack thereof boggles the mind. The dialog is laughable, and not in a good way. The acting is passable at best, and in some cases just not at all believable.
The Score: 1 out of 4
I consider myself a fan of horror films and I was looking forward to seeing this movie. Many very talented people have praised this film, including Stephen King. I was to say the least very disappointed.
Feel free to contact me at horrorfanreview@aol.com
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