The Brain from Planet Arous
Synopsis: The movie begins when pair of scientists discovers some odd radiation readings from an isolated area. Off they go in a Jeep to investigate the strange readings. Finding a cave that wasn’t there on a previous trip they enter it and are attacked by an alien brain creature from the planet Arous. Later we see that only one of the scientists has returned, but he is acting strangely. So his girlfriend and her father go off to investigate what possibly happened to make him act so differently. They also end up at the cave and encounter an alien brain creature named Val, but this one is different. See he is a good alien brain creature and he is here to save the earth from the first one who is named Gor. Gor has taken the woman’s boyfriend over and is using him to take over the Earth. Traveling back with the woman and her father the alien brain creature named Val takes over the family dog so that he can be close to Gor without being discovered. He also explains how they can kill Gor. Will they stop Gor in time or are we all doomed? Check out this movie and see!
The Good: This movie is great cheesy fun. The story is just so goofy that it works for me. The actors take their parts very seriously and play it very straight. The effects are also just so bad that they are good. When the brain creature fly’s around the room you can clearly see the wires. When the climactic final battle happens and the alien is hit with an axe you can see one of the wires break. The actor doesn’t miss a beat and continues to swing away with the now swaying alien. Honestly it just doesn’t get any better than that.
The Bad: This is a silly movie with bad effects and over the top acting. Of course this is just what you should and would expect from a movie like this!
The Score: 3 out of 4.
This is a great b movie from the 50s.
Feel free to contact me at horrorfanreview@aol.com
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