After Sundown
Synopsis: The movie begins in 1883 in an old west town. We see the townsfolk arming and waiting on the arrival of someone, as well as another scene in which a woman is in labor. The thing about the woman is that she is clearly a vampire. After much mayhem we flash forward to the present day where a group of workers is moving an old cemetery so that a housing development can be built. Of course they find the body of the vampire woman and her child. After taking it back to the mortuary one of them pulls the stake from her chest and all hell starts to break loose.
The Good: The pacing of this film works very well. There isn’t a dull moment as the script moves the story along briskly. Much of the story is told in a series of flashbacks, which in many other films I’ve seen appear to be forced, but it is done here very well. The acting is quite good considering that this is a low budget horror film. I really enjoyed the take on the vampire myth, adding to it the ability to create and control zombies.
The Bad: The makeup effects on the two vampires are pretty bad. In the close-ups you can actually see the edges of the appliances, which is very distracting. Also the filmmakers chose to use CGI to add the gun flashes and didn’t follow them up with bullet hits on the zombies. It really looks awful, which given the rest of the film is a damn shame.
The Score: 2 out of 4
If you are a fan of low budget films I think that will enjoy this movie. It has its flaws, but there is talent as well as an interesting story to be told.
Feel free to contact me at horrorfanreview@aol.com
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