Don’t go in the Woods (1982)
Synopsis: A crazed mountain man begins killing off anyone that he finds in the woods that he calls home. The movie follows four main characters as they are on a hike to an isolated cabin to spend their vacation. Along the way we are introduced to many throwaway characters that are killed off almost as soon as they are introduced.
The Good: Nothing at all. This is just a bad movie!
The Bad: To begin with the film has a terrible audio track with the dialog dropping in and out. Of course given what dialog that you can hear that may be a blessing. Also the acting is just awful here, especially the actors that are portraying the police. Their attempts at banter are painful at best. There is no logic to the story at all. The killer can seemingly disappear and reappear all over the mountain without anyone seeing him. The effects are bad, really bad. Add that to the awkwardly shot actions scenes and you end up with a complete waste of time.
The Score: 0 out of 4
This movie goes on my avoid at all costs list.
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